Monday, July 23, 2012

Rest, Relaxation & Fun!!

I am looking forward to the beginning of August for a few different reasons. 

The first reason is that the two graduate classes I am taking will be over on August 3rd.  Since I am taking two graduate classes during the summer.  This doesn't leave me much time for pleasure reading.  Let me tell you, I've missed it!  Summer classes are done at a much faster pace.  You take what is normally taught in about 14 weeks and condense it into about 7-8 weeks. 

The second reason is that we are going to spend a week at the beach in South Carolina.  I grew up on the shores of Lake Erie and I don't get to spend much time up there now.  Because of this, I am looking forward to spending some quality time with the beach.  My favorite thing to do besides swim, is the settle in with my suntan lotion and a good book.

The final reason I am CANNOT wait for August is because I am FINALLY, FINALLY going to Disney World.  I am extremely excited to take my son there.  He is almost three years old, and is going to love it. Neither myself or my husband have been there, so we are looking forward to the trip.  I seriously cannot tell you how excited I am to go.  It is something that I have been looking forward to for my entire life.

So I will be spending a lot time in the car or on a train in August.  Do you have a great book to read?  Please share it with me in the comments below so I can check it out.  Who knows, your pick just might end up on my Nook.


If you are looking for a great YA book, check out one of the Author's below.  I'm linking you to their homepages so you can check them out.

Please continue to check back on this as I am sure that I will continue to add more to this list as I discover them!



I would like to welcome you, please come and "Linger in Landon's Library."

This blog was orginally created as part of class assignment, put I am planning to keep this up-dated.  Please continue to stop by and check out what's new.

About me:  I am currently a middle school computer teacher who loves young adult (YA) literature of all kinds.  This love of YA literature and reading in general lead me to search out a new career path.  One that would incorporate my love of technology and my love of reading.  The new career path is to become a school library media specialist.  In the spring of 2014, I hope to graduate with a Master's Degree in Education, specializing in Library Media Science.